Friday, February 27, 2009

New Goals

I have often pondered becoming a fitness instructor at our local YMCA. For a few years I trained at 5 am with one of the personal trainers. It was her workout time and I was lucky enough to tag along and she introduced me to weight training. Not nautilus or circuit training but squats, leg press, bench press - I had muscle definition. Still weighed 175 but with muscle!

She used to ask me to take on a class called Women on Weights or Stability Ball Training. I never could see in myself what she could see. I have a tendency to do this - doubt myself. I have no rhythm so any sort of dance aerobics is out of the question but I could do lunges, weights or spinning. Get certified she would tell me - I never took the initiative.

Last October I purchased a used spinning bike on Ebay and have used it faithfully since. A long time fan of spinning classes - I am starting to envision myself as a spinning instructor. As part of my journey to lose weight, I need to dream big and pursue those dreams. In my days as a runner, I made my 3rd race ever signed up for a half marathon - and I did it in 2 hours and 9 minutes. Now with a bum knee and my running days behind me, it is time to find a new goal and to pursue it.

Spinning - here I come.

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