Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was wonderful for me. I was treated very well by the 3 men in my life. I felt very special and very loved. It was a great day for me. I sometimes forget to be thankful for the wonderful blessings in my life as I work on the physical parts of me and wanted to post how much I appreciate my family.

Hope you all enjoyed your Mother's Day or days with your Mother's on Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Friday is the day, huh? Good luck. I have the opposite problem, I can hardly stay off the scale. Even though I am going with the weekly "official" weigh in, I'm still on the scale every day. I'd rather get stressed out over 3-4 pounds than to have 5-10 "sneak up" on me. It is a constant battle and that's OK. I (we) just need to stay in the fight and never retreat.
